RSA 2015: Cyber Defense magazine presents Swivel Secure with ‘Cutting Edge Award in Multi-Factor Authentication.’
We were delighted to receive our ‘Cutting Edge Award in Multi-Factor Authentication Solutions’ award from Cyber Defense magazine at last week’s RSA conference.
It’s another fantastic achievement and comes after a year of development for our authentication solution. We have updated our leading multi-factor authentication platform with increased adaptive functionality, which uses a range of static and dynamic risk-based authentication capabilities.
Swivel now offers the ability to apply exactly the right level of authentication to any given scenario, based on a series of pre-determined factors, such as who the user is, what service the user is trying to access, what IP address they are using and when the user last authenticated. These factors are then used to determine what level of authentication is appropriate for the required access, ensuring user experience is optimized without compromising security.
For more information about these awards, please review the CDM eMagazine.
We’re hoping that this is the first in many award wins in the year to come!