Demo Hub
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Demonstration hub
Your time is precious and so it is important you get what you want out of a demo.
Below, you will find three options ranging from watching our videos showing different integrations
using a range of authentication factors, to trying it for yourself with access to the Unified Portal.
If that doesn’t suit your needs you can use the form below to book a one-to-one demonstration.
The choice is yours!

One: Try it - register to use the Unified Portal
Try it and see how easy it is to authenticate with AuthControl Sentry®.
AuthControl Sentry® enables users to authenticate with a range of
authentication methods. By registering for access to the Unified Portal,
you obtain access for 14 days, where you can authenticate using different factors.

Two: Watch it - watch one of the demonstration videos
Choose from a range of integrations and authentication factors.
To see how it works with common applications, watch our demonstration videos by clicking the button below. Integrations include Office 365,
Salesforce and Windows, while authentication factors include the
TURing image, PINpad® and more.

Three: Demo it - use the form below to book a
one-to-one demonstration
one-to-one demonstration
Choose from a range of integrations and authentication factors.
Just let us know whether you’d like to see how AuthControl Sentry®
integrates with a particular application, or how one of the factors
authenticates access.