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Product Lifecycle

Swivel Secure’s Enterprise Support Lifecycle Policy outlines support guidelines for our products’ lifecycle.

Swivel Secure’s Enterprise Support Lifecycle Policy guides our internal product lifecycle practices and, most importantly, assists our Partners and Enterprise Clients in making informed purchases and support and upgrade decisions.

All Swivel Secure’s products are covered by this policy.

Partners and Enterprise Clients operating under a valid Support and Maintenance Agreement from Swivel Secure are entitled to the benefits associated with this policy.

Key milestones in our GENERAL product lifecycle

End of Order Date (EOO)

The end of order date is the last date on which the relevant software product may be ordered; after this date the product is no longer available for sale.

Swivel will provide a minimum of 240 days advance notice of the affected product’s EOO date by publishing an EOO notification on this page, as well as emailing all partners with the EOO notice.

Last Service Extension Date (LSED)

The last date on which an order will be accepted, for a product no longer publicly available for purchase, for an extension of an existing contract for support or security subscription services.

No service contracts may be extended past the EOS date. The last service extension date is an estimated 365 days before the EOS date for the relevant product.

End of Support Date (EOS)

The final milestone in the product lifecycle is the End of Support date.

After this date, Swivel Secure will not sell, manufacture or improve the product and is under no obligation to provide support services.

AuthControl Sentry® Software Versions

ProductsLast Service Extension Date (LSED)End of Support Date (EOS)Migration options
Swivel 3.11.529/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.11.429/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.11.329/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.11.229/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.1129/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.6 (3476)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.6 (3395)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.5 (3030)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.4 (2701)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.3 (2014)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.2 (1950)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10.1 (1701)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.10 (1947)29/08/202529/08/2026
Helpdesk Rights Update Patch for Version 3.10 (build 1747)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.9.7 (1300)29/08/202529/08/2026
Swivel 3.9.6 (1046)29/08/202529/08/2026
Helpdesk Rights Update Patch for Version 3.9.6 (build 1777)29/08/202529/08/2026


Swivel Secure Appliance Versions

Appliance OVA VersionUnderlying OSOS Version (CMI -> Version Information screen)VM Hardware version compatibilityBuild DateEnd of Support Date (EOS)Migration options
2.xRHEL 42.6.9-89.ELsmp (32 bit)-200931/03/2017
4.2.4Oracle Linux

Please refer to the Swivel Secure Appliance Disclaimer.

End of Life Policy

Swivel Secure is strongly committed to providing industry-leading products and services. As the market continues evolving toward more complex levels of security, Swivel Secure will periodically announce End-of-Sale and End-of-Life life cycle milestone information along with migration recommendations for our valued customers.

All Swivel Secure products and services will enter an End-of-Sale (EOS) period before End of Life (EOL). Product EOS dates will be up to five years prior to product EOL and all EOL communications will start with an official EOL Intent Announcement at least 60 days prior to the product’s EOS date.

Once an End-of-Sale date is announced, you may continue to order products from your authorized Swivel Secure reseller partner. Customers with active support will receive continued technical and limited software support until the End of Life.

Product Life Cycle Milestones

Swivel Secure has announced life cycle milestones for the products listed below. Migration options are indicated and updated periodically.

End-of-Sale Date:

Last date for Swivel secure distribution partners to purchase specific products directly from Swivel Secure

Migration Path:

Recommended product or subscription replacements.

End of Life:

Conclusion of development and support for defined End-of-Sale products.


AuthControl® Mobile Software Versions

ProductsEnd of Order Date (EOD)Last Service Extension Date (LSED)End of Support Date (EOS)
AuthControl Mobile V4
AuthControl Mobile01/01/202229/08/202229/08/2023
AuthControl Mobile V5
AuthControl Mobile V5.1315/07/202212/03/202311/03/2023
AuthControl Mobile V5.1215/07/202212/03/202311/03/2023
AuthControl Mobile V5.1115/07/202212/03/202311/03/2023
AuthControl Mobile V5.1015/07/202212/03/202311/03/2023
AuthControl Mobile V5.0915/07/202212/03/202311/03/2023
AuthControl Mobile V6
AuthControl Mobile V6 MSP (AMM)03/03/202503/03/202503/03/2025